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Rejecting God Continuously and Having God s Spirit With Drawn From a Sinner

Why the Holy Spirit Departs and How to Know if He has Departed
Why the Holy Spirit Departs and How to Know if He has Departed

The Holy Spirit may depart from a person or a congregation and as a Bride of Christ, you must know if the Holy Spirit has departed or not.

As the Holy Spirit departed from Saul, so does He depart from a person or congregation.

1 Samuel 16:14: But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him

Why the Holy Spirit Departs and How to Know if He has Departed

To understand this better, let's look at it step by step

Why the Holy Spirit Departs

Holy Spirit is holy, righteous and pure. He has no sin neither does He sin.

Because of who He is, there are several things which make Him depart from a person or a congregation. Major reasons are;

1. Sin

The Holy Spirit is pure and righteous. As Jesus was without sin so is the Holy Spirit.

1 Pet 2:22: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth

When a person or a congregation is in sin, the Holy Spirit departs; He does not sin nor live in sin with the person.

He waits for you to stop sinning and repent for Him to come back.

See the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire is the Holy Spirit

The big problem is if you do not see that you are sinning and the Holy Spirit has left you even after Him telling you to repent. You will continue living in sin until you perish.

2. Disobedience and Rebellion

Disobedience and rebellion to God is disobeying and rebelling the Holy Spirit and He departs.

1 Sam 15:10-19: Then came the word of the LORD unto Samuel, saying, 'I greatly regret that I have set up Saul to be king: for he has turned back from following me, and has not performed my commandments'. And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD all night.

King Saul was commanded by God kill and destroy all the Amalek and their property but Saul spared Agag, the best of sheep, oxen, fatlings and all that was good. This was disobedience. And it is for this reason the Spirit of God departed from King Saul.

If you disobey and rebel, the Holy Spirit will depart.

Obey God without questions.

3. Unbelief

If you do not believe, the Holy Spirit departs. Have great faith.

Se the levels of faith

4. Mixing with the world

If you mix yourself with the world, the Holy Spirit departs.

1 John 2:15: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world (Satan) do not mix.

5. Departing from the Truth

If a person or congregation departs from the Truth, the Holy Spirit departs.

This includes falling away; falling away from GRACE

Gal 5:4: Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; you have fallen from grace.

See Grace: – God's Riches At Christ Expense

6. Not Repenting

Repentance is the only key to keeping the Holy Spirit in you; making the Holy Spirit not to depart.

We are sinners

1 John 1:8: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us

We need repentance. See how to repent

When the Holy Spirit departs, the kingdom of Heaven has departed from a person or a congregation and the evil spirit takes over.

1 Samuel 16:14: But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him

How do we know if the Holy Spirit has departed from a person or congregation?

How to Know if the Holy Spirit has Departed

We know if the Holy Spirit has departed from a person or congregation when;

To every Bride of Christ;

1. The kingdom of God is not seen in a person

When the Holy Spirit is in a person or congregation, the kingdom of God is presence.

The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy

Rom 14:17: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost

See the kingdom of God is not in word but in power

If a person or congregation has no righteousness, peace and joy, the Holy Spirit has departed from the person or congregation.

2. No fruits of the Holy spirit

When the Holy Spirit is in a person, the fruits of the Holy Spirit are manifested.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are; love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.

Gal 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control

If you cannot see not one but all the fruits of the Holy Spirit in a person or congregation, the Holy Spirit has departed.

You may be struggling in manifesting one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit but in a person with the Holy Spirit, we see him/her fighting through the help of the Holy Spirit to manifest that fruit of the Spirit.

To the Servants of Jesus Christ;

The presence of the Holy Spirit in a Jesus Christ servant preaching Jesus Christ gospel is seen only by power. Power in the gospel is revealed in miracles, signs and wonders following the servant.

Power is the Holy Spirit. See the kingdom of God is not in word but in power

If there is no power, no signs and wonders following the Servant who has not finished his/her race, the Holy Spirit has departed from the servant.

This leads to a person preaching a powerless gospel which is not Jesus Christ gospel. Jesus Christ gospel is powerful and living able to do the impossible to humanity.

Jesus Christ does not send His servants without power. Jesus Christ servants are followed by signs and wonders.

See signs and wonders follow Jesus Christ servants

If a person was once preaching a powerful gospel followed by signs and miracles, but no signs are seen, the Holy Spirit has departed from the person

If there are no miracles signs and wonders seen in a congregation, the Holy Spirit is not in the congregation and the main problem is the person leading the congregation.

God's power in a congregation flows through His structure aligned to heaven; first to His chosen servant then to the congregation. See Biblical church leadership structure

If a person chooses herself/himself or chosen by the people to lead but not God choosing His servant, the power is hindered from being revealed to the congregation thus no signs and wonders are seen in a congregation.

See God chooses His own servants; you do not choose yourself

Opening up a building calling it a church, seeing money and people come is not a Bilbically named sign that the Holy Spirit is with you. People rising up their hands during altar call is not a Biblically named sign following Jesus Christ servants. Only miracles, signs and wonders are Biblically mentioned as proof of the presence of the kingdom of heaven in a God servant.

See the purpose of signs and wonders following the gospel

If we measure today protestant so-called churches with the Truths in the Bible, we find that the Holy Spirit has departed from many.

Where has the protestant erred today?

See the starting series revealing protestant heresies today; – why the Holy Spirit has departed.

To see where many protestant so-called churches today have erred or fallen to heresies, we look at the Truth in the Bible vs what these so-called churches and servants are doing.

Next: Protestant heresies today 1: – Making houses of cement sand stone and wood to be houses of the Lord


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